Sunday, September 29, 2013

Max's Dragon Shirt by Rosemary Wells Project

I sent my oldest (Big Guy) off to kindergarten!  He LOVES it.  So, it's just my Little Guy and me home during the day.  We've also started taking care of another boy.  He's become Little Guy's best buddy.  Little Guy and Best Buddy keep me busy.  We've started a routine of "Book Breaks" in the afternoon because Best Buddy doesn't take naps.  We read a book and then do some type of project that coordinates with the story.  Today we read, "Max's Dragon Shirt" by Rosemary Wells.  The project was simple but actually worked on a lot of pre-school skills. 

This is what we did:

1.  We read the story, "Max's Dragon Shirt" by Rosemary Wells.
2.  I printed an image of "Max".  This is the link:  Max's Dragon Shirt Printable
3.  I cut out the image.
4.  The boys glued the picture onto a piece of construction paper.
5.  They colored it by looking at the picture in the book.
6.  Notice that Little Guy was actually able to copy part of the Dragon's face onto Max's shirt.  This is the first time he has tried to replicate a picture from a book.  There are a lot of shapes to draw!
7.  We added a bunch of stickers around the page.  Kids love stickers and I think it helps with fine motor skills.
8.  I wrote Little Guy's and Best Buddy's names on their pictures with a pencil.  They traced their own names.

There was a lot of thinking that happened during this project.  They had to match colors, hold the markers correctly, peel off stickers, transfer information, etc.  While the final project isn't exactly "pinterest" worthy, the boys worked really hard.  I'm going to have them copy more pictures from books in the future.  It only took seconds to prepare and they LOVED it and learned a lot!

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