Monday, March 4, 2013

Hatching Easter Grass

My "Grand"kids LOVE crafts!  So  when they came over for a visit I had one ready for them to do.  With a little help from their parents they had fun creating a craft they could take home with them, learn from, and watch grow.  What could be better at Easter than "New Life in Spring!"

This is what we did: 

  1. I cut the tops off 2 liter soda bottles and then cut a jagged edge on each to resemble a hatched egg.
  2. I bought Easter stickers, and colored glass gems (from the Dollar Store).  I then cut coffee filters to fit inside the bottles and put the stickers, gems, and a coffee filter into a bag for each child. 
  3. I also bought Cat Grass seed packets (from Linders), and little foam stick eggs and plastic chick eggs (from the Dollar Store).  I had enough potting soil on hand so I didn't need to purchase more.
  4. We put their names on the bottoms of their bottles with a marker.

The children decorated the outside of their bottles with the stickers, put their gems inside the bottles (for drainage and they also looked pretty), then each put a coffee filter on top of the gems to hold the soil in place.

They added soil and sprinkled a generous amount of seed on top.  They then pressed the seed into the soil.  Each packet of Cat Grass seed was enough for two bottles.  I chose Cat Grass because it's pretty, it grows 4" tall, and sprouts in 5-10 days (not too long for them to wait, I hope).  The children then moistened their seeds and were instructed to continue watering them at home; but if they saw water in the gems at the bottom, they've over watered and should stop watering for a while.

My "Grand"kids finished their craft by adding their stick foam eggs and plastic chicks. They did a great job following directions and there was very little cleanup.  I LOVED seeing their proud faces!

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