Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trampoline Fun!

You don't need to go to an expensive trampoline park when you can build one in your living room!  We've been doing this one for a couple of years.  It's always a hit with the boys because they ask to do it often and I say "yes" occasionally.  They LOVE it.  I don't mind as long as they help put the cushions away when we are done. :)

This is what we do:


  1. We took all the cushions from our couches (they're pretty thick) and laid them out on the floor. (We have 3 couches)
  2. We cover the cushions with a blanket (and pretend that it is an ocean or a pool).
  3. We jump in!
The rule is no backwards jumps and that each child has to take turns.  That usually works (but not in the above video. Probably because I was recording them instead of watching them closely.  Thankfully, noone was hurt during the recording of this video.)  

1 comment:

  1. Rebound Products produces and distributes world renowned trampolines and trampoline equipment. Our products are used by coaches and competitors at the highest levels of international competition as well as professional entertainers (e.g., Cirque du Soleil and several cruise lines). Rebound Products exclusively uses Canadian suppliers, except for our folding trampolines from Germany. trampolines for gymnastics provider(Rebound Products) makes top-quality folding trampolines, non-folding trampolines for athletics, 2 string trampoline beds, trampoline springs, tapered trampoline frame pads, double mini-tramps, mini-tramps and more. Don't forget, Rebound Product (Dave Ross) has built the strongest trampoline in the market for sale.
