Thursday, February 7, 2013

Flower Me with LOVE

Flower Me With Love

Every month I come up with craft ideas for my Daisy Girl Scout troop. There are 22 girls in our troop. I choose projects that take less than 15 minutes to complete, and are very inexpensive to make. This month, for Valentines day, we are making flowers. 

Here is what you will need.

1. Cup cake wrappers
2. Pipe cleaners
3. Pencil
4. Decorative heart


1. Take the pipe cleaner and stick it through the cup cake wrappers.
2. Next, put the decorative heart on the pipe cleaner. (I stuck the pipe cleaner through the heart.)
3. Then scrunch up the cup cake wrappers to your liking.  
4. Wrap pipe cleaner around the pencil

The kids LOVED making the flowers!

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