Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chalkboard Frame

Faith, Hope, and Love.  The greatest of these is LOVE ! (I Corinthians 13:13) I decided to stay home with my kids about a year ago.  Now that I do, I've taken a greater interest in changing my home decor to reflect the season.  However, I now stay at home with my kids so my budget is a bit more limited!  I grabbed an idea from a friend (who has a beautiful home and a great eye for design - Amanda are you reading this?) and created a chalkboard frame to hang over my mantel.  When I hosted the family Christmas party my brother-in-law thought I bought it!! :)

This is what I did:

  1. I purchased a cheapo frame at Walmart.
  2. I purchased a small bottle of black chalkboard paint from Walmart too.
  3. I painted the back of the frame with the  paint.  It took two coats to cover it completely.
  4. I've been changing out the saying.  For Christmas it read:  Joy to the world!  The popular:  Faith, Hope, and Love is for Valentine's Day.  I'm not sure what will be next!
This spring and summer I think I'll try to find non-reflective glass at a garage sale or the thrift store!  Like my reflection in the glass?  LOVELY!

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