Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rudolph Hats

My kids had a great fascination with Rudolph this Christmas.  They LOVED his red-nose.  We made Rudolph "hats" one evening.  I think they turned out cute.  We got a good laugh because Little Guy gave Rudolph three eyes.

This is what we did:

  1. I cut a strip of brown paper that would be long enough to fit around their heads.
  2. The boys glued googly eyes and a pom to the brown strip.
  3. We used masking tape to attach two craft sticks for the antlers.
  4. I traced and cut out each boys' hands.
  5. The boys glued the hands to the craft sticks.
  6. Lastly, we used masking tape to fit the "hat" around their heads.
This activity took us about 15 minutes.

They had fun running around the house wearing the Rudolph hats for the evening.  I think I got a cute Christmas picture from it too.  I might try the same concept for another holiday - bunny ears would be cute (a cotton ball tail on the back side?).  We LOVE celebrating Christmas!

You could also use this as a character lesson.  Everyone has special gifts!  Sometimes, our uniqueness, is the best gift we receive.

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