Thursday, February 7, 2013

Love Monster Valentine Boxes

We had an early Valentine's Day party today!  It was so much fun.  We read the story, "I Loathe You" written and illustrated by David Slonim.  You can buy the book on Amazon: here Then we made LOVE Monster Valentine boxes.  The project turned out really cute.  The boys and I LOVED having 14 friends over to our house for the project!

This what we did:

Our inspiration came from:  here and here

  1. I collected cardboard boxes (crackers, noodles, cereal, whatever).
  2. I primed the front of the boxes with white spray primer.  I bought the kind that dries in 10 minutes.
  3. I spray painted the fronts of the boxes in whatever color matched the box best.  I bought red, blue, and green spray paint.  (I expected 18 kids so I didn't take the time to spray paint the entire box, only the fronts.  The kids didn't seem to mind!)
  4. If the box didn't have a hole in it, an adult cut one for them.
  5. The kids started decorating.  They added googly eyes, sequins, hand cut-outs, lots of heart stickers etc...
It took the kids about 20 minutes to do this project (longer if they added more detail. )  

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