Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kindness Craft

I teach pre-K/K Catholic Sunday school.  Our lesson was on Kindness.  I used a variety of activities to help the children understand ways to be kind.  Our craft activity was a lot of fun!  We LOVED it!  We did a variation of the "Long-Distance Hug" that I saw on pinterest.  I have a class of 18 students ages 4-6.  They were all able to do this project (on their own for the most part) and Loved thinking of who they could mail/give the hug too. 

 This is what we did:

1) Each child got a piece of red yard that was the length of their wingspan!

2) I knotted one end of the yarn and put masking tape on the other end to prevent the yarn from fraying in order to make it easier to string the decorations.

3) The children began stringing beads and hearts on the yarn.

4)  They had fun cutting out hearts and punching holes in them with a paper punch.

5) Many of the children decorated their hand cut-outs too (I bought my hand cut-outs because many of the kids woudn't have been able to cut them out themselves and I didn't have the time to do it for them).  My son didn't decorate his.  He spent a lot of time cutting out hearts and then chose not to put them on his yarn :)

6. We taped the hands to each end of the yarn.

This activity took about 20 minutes for each child to complete.  Many probably would've worked longer but it was almost time for parents to pick them up!

I found my inspiration:  here

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea and featured it (you) on this week's kindness challenge. Check it out tomorrow at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Super-Kids-Kindness-Project/1621983464751772
